As he woke up that night, he knew he wasn’t dreaming…no, not this time.
After all these years of hallucinations, he knew, the moment had arrived……
~ tHe mOmEnT~
After all these years of hallucinations, he knew, the moment had arrived……
~ tHe mOmEnT~
Through the years, his shady heart had been ripped off its tenderness, and his soul was exhausted, from his endless passionate quests…his quests for
~ EnLiGhTeNmEnT ~
…to achieve that perfect state of awareness…that eternal bliss…to know the purpose of his existence…~ his ultimate dEsTiNy ~…
• • •
As he looked outside the window into the dead winter night, something caught his attention…it was the moon, bigger than usual…
He could feel the enigmatic rays of the moon entering the room…getting diluted in the darkness…Now, as he closed his eyes, he sensed an unusual vibe…Soaked in the moonlight, he felt like the phoenix rising from its own ashes…* the ashes of sorrow * …* the ashes of pain *…
~ He felt so void….yet so complete …
So detached….yet so content… ~
At that instant, his thoughts froze… ○ ○
As he woke up, he found himself on the floor. He had a faint recollection of what had happened last night…”Oh no! Was I dreaming again?!” The exhilaration of “the eternal bliss” soon vanished…”Last night I could almost feel it..!” Once again, his fate had disappointed him…
• • •
As he stumbled upon his feet, he realized something….he could see himself…standing in front of him! He rubbed his eyes…just to find himself in front of…
• • •
As he looked outside the window into the dead winter night, something caught his attention…it was the moon, bigger than usual…
He could feel the enigmatic rays of the moon entering the room…getting diluted in the darkness…Now, as he closed his eyes, he sensed an unusual vibe…Soaked in the moonlight, he felt like the phoenix rising from its own ashes…* the ashes of sorrow * …* the ashes of pain *…
~ He felt so void….yet so complete …
So detached….yet so content… ~
At that instant, his thoughts froze… ○ ○
As he woke up, he found himself on the floor. He had a faint recollection of what had happened last night…”Oh no! Was I dreaming again?!” The exhilaration of “the eternal bliss” soon vanished…”Last night I could almost feel it..!” Once again, his fate had disappointed him…
• • •
As he stumbled upon his feet, he realized something….he could see himself…standing in front of him! He rubbed his eyes…just to find himself in front of…
~ the mirror ~..
He stood there and gazed…for what he saw…enraptured his soul!
"It wasn’t a dream after all! I HAVE been enlightened!”..
For years he had wandered in search of the truth…but it had never occurred to him that the ~ truth ~ was always with him….within his OwN SeLf…○ ○ ○
* ~ It is there where all the answers lie…
It is there where all problems and solutions co-exist..~
* ~ Eternal Bliss ~ lies in the eyes of the beholder…. Its just his perceptions that allow him, or rather ‘force’ him to ‘proceed’ in a particular way…
he can always choose to be blissful or to remain in agony….
* ~ Man lives more than one life at a time…there are dreams…and there are realities…and there are times when they collide…turning dreams into realities and sometimes…realities into dreams…○ ○
One CAN control his fate…if he can identify his dreams…and live it…at least try to…because the more he will try…the closer he will get to…
* ~ It is there where all the answers lie…
It is there where all problems and solutions co-exist..~
* ~ Eternal Bliss ~ lies in the eyes of the beholder…. Its just his perceptions that allow him, or rather ‘force’ him to ‘proceed’ in a particular way…
he can always choose to be blissful or to remain in agony….
* ~ Man lives more than one life at a time…there are dreams…and there are realities…and there are times when they collide…turning dreams into realities and sometimes…realities into dreams…○ ○
One CAN control his fate…if he can identify his dreams…and live it…at least try to…because the more he will try…the closer he will get to…
~ eTeRnAl bLiSs ~ ○ ○
~ Rahul
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