Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Flickering Shadows..


There is a thin line between Love and Hate. Just like a tiny flicker of light gives a definition to the endless realm of darkness, Hatred carves what Love truly defines.


 Pride was her only asset. Her heart was filled with raging rivers of remorse, which flooded her steep walls of pride every time she tried to feel an emotion.


He had lost his self in the new world, which was ever so peachy. For he had finally felt, what he had always wanted to feel, but the journey had been too long…
He had lived many a lives in the short life that he had lived, but just like most of the people, he had failed to realize that what he always wanted, was right there with him. For many of us fail to realize that the journey is more important than the start or the end!


Life is a seductress, she seduces us to stability. But the moment you give into her charm, she takes you into her arms, and then….then there is eternal slumber of ignorance.
For change is the only truth of life, which no one can deny and the moment one denies it, his thoughts are poisoned..Poisoned by the charmer, for he denies his own existence...his past, his present and most importantly, his future.

Beauty is the sweet poison, life’s weapon to lure you towards indulgence, as beauty is associated with every emotion that makes you go weak on your knees!

Love is Life’s sister, the sorceress, who gives you everything, yet takes away all that is yours, shows you everything, yet hides your own reflection from you.

A man’s intellect is his own perception, it’s not absolute.

~~Still in search of the absolute truth~~