Tuesday, January 6, 2015

It was peaceful

“Mommy! Mommy! Look what Jake is doing.”

“I’m not!”

“Yes you are!”

“No I’m not! You’re such a wuss Jill!”

“Mom! Jake called me a wuss!”


(A car screeches to a halt)

“Ruth, I’m home.” 

(Turns on the TV. Turns up the volume). 

(Mumbles) “Good, right on time! Kids, Go to your room. Jake, Jill, I said go to your goddamn room! 

Ruth, take the kids to their room”. Tim and Drake will be coming over for the game, why don’t you 
make us some sloppy joes. Ruth? Where the hell are you? Come on down and hand me a beer! We 
have beer right? (Gets angry) I told you to get beer! If you tell me that we ain’t got beer… 


It was a sunny July afternoon. Ruth was sitting at the backyard of her countryside shack in Kentucky. 
There was nothing much to do there really. All that there was in that backyard was a rickety swing and an old cardboard box. But all of this did not matter to Ruth, for she had Bobby. 

Aah Bobby! What a lad! Bobby was the young shepherd who used to visit her every day when the sun disappeared on the western horizon. She was out early today, partly because she did not know where else to go. Mom and Dad were screaming inside. She could hear the glasses and crockery break. She never understood why grownups fought in the first place. “Is that all that is left to do when we grow up?” She thought. “I wish I never grow up”.

Lost in her thoughts she lost track of time. Soon dusk was upon her. Her heart started racing as her 

eyes wandered upon the farthest horizon on the west. “You seem to be upset love.” Startled, she looked behind her. “Bobby, how did you get here?” Ruth felt a special way about Bobby. It was special because she wasn’t sure how she felt. “Love?” She wondered many a times, but dismissed it each time thinking to herself, “Life is too short to define things. Besides, who cares as long as I can be with Bobby every evening? “

“Oh well, I have my ways”, said Bobby mischievously. “But you did not answer my question.  Why 
are you upset?”

“I’m not sure. I sometimes feel that I don’t belong here.” 

“You mean in the barn?” he teased her. 

“No, I mean here, in this world. Sometimes I feel that I can’t really relate to the things that people 
around me do.”

“You mean sing songs, go fishing in the big lake, ride horses, make merry while drinking ale on a 
spring noon while the sun shines to happiness? You really can’t be serious!”

That was Bobby for you. A simple starry eyed young boy who could find the silver lining in every 
situation. He was a boy who believed that there could be nothing wrong in this world and whose aura was so positive that he could cheer up a person on the verge of suicide.

“Bobby! Oh leave it, you wouldn’t understand.” And just like that she did not want to explain 
anymore. She was already smiling, and the thing about smiles is that the lips can fake them, but the eyes can’t.

“Alright”, said Bobby, pretending to be disappointed, but he could not pull it off for long; for the 
twinkle in her eyes teased him and beckoned him lose himself in her.


“Yes Bobby.”

“I wish I could kiss you someday.”

“Someday  Bobby. Someday we shall be together.”

And they just sat there, two people just happy to be with each other. 


She reached inside the drawer. It felt cold, and heavy. She made her way to the kids’ room. She 
turned the knob and let herself in. Her face was impassive as she brought an end to the commotion. 

“What’s going on up there? Ru..”




She woke up startled and drenched in sweat. “It was a bad dream after all.”

She felt a touch, a touch she had always imagined, but never felt. 


“Ruth.” Bobby smiled.

“Where are we?”

“We are together love, at last!”

She turned around and that’s when she saw it. 

"Remember me as you pass by;

As you are now, so once was I

As I am now, so you will be

Thy love is true, just follow thee"


Ruth Smith

It was her tombstone.

Silence. Everywhere.

At last, it was peaceful.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Flickering Shadows..


There is a thin line between Love and Hate. Just like a tiny flicker of light gives a definition to the endless realm of darkness, Hatred carves what Love truly defines.


 Pride was her only asset. Her heart was filled with raging rivers of remorse, which flooded her steep walls of pride every time she tried to feel an emotion.


He had lost his self in the new world, which was ever so peachy. For he had finally felt, what he had always wanted to feel, but the journey had been too long…
He had lived many a lives in the short life that he had lived, but just like most of the people, he had failed to realize that what he always wanted, was right there with him. For many of us fail to realize that the journey is more important than the start or the end!


Life is a seductress, she seduces us to stability. But the moment you give into her charm, she takes you into her arms, and then….then there is eternal slumber of ignorance.
For change is the only truth of life, which no one can deny and the moment one denies it, his thoughts are poisoned..Poisoned by the charmer, for he denies his own existence...his past, his present and most importantly, his future.

Beauty is the sweet poison, life’s weapon to lure you towards indulgence, as beauty is associated with every emotion that makes you go weak on your knees!

Love is Life’s sister, the sorceress, who gives you everything, yet takes away all that is yours, shows you everything, yet hides your own reflection from you.

A man’s intellect is his own perception, it’s not absolute.

~~Still in search of the absolute truth~~

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

• ○ PeAcH ○ •

The shadows dissolved by the love stained creek,
Bathed in moonlight, she stared so bleak..
He looked into those endless eyes,
A hint of love, and tainted lies..

She carved his heart with a tinted gaze
With her silent and deceptive ways..


~ A moment passed, since time stood still, he took her hand.. ~

"My heart is yours, my love so true
It's all I have, to give to you..
With intrepid spirit, I do beseech,
Do you feel the same, my beloved pEaCh..?"

~ She gently freed her hand and looked away,
a silent tear got lost in the darkness.. ~

"My heart is lost, my love is vain
There's too much pain, do refrain!
My soul, I wish I had, to give
But I've lost it in myself..
Cursed, as long as i live.."


~ He held her close and their eyes met..
a moment was lost in that endless gaze..~

"Lift your eyes and see my beloved,
The night has ended..
Soon all darkness will be conquered!
And the cold, heartless wind,
shall give way to the pleasant fall breeze..
It is then, that you shall find your soul,
It is then, that you shall be resurrected...

You will then see the path, hallowed by thy golden light,
The path that leads to my sacred lake...
Where I await..
For our souls to unite..~

"Kuch toh hai ankahi...jo suni thi..un khamosh nigaho se..."

~ ○ • RaHuL • ○ ~

Thursday, December 31, 2009


There lives a witch,
Who goes by so pretty.
Her head burns like fire,
Her eyes are so witty!

She walks by the meadow;
in the bright morning sky
Up on her broomstick,
In the moonlight she flies!

At midnight she croons..
There is a turmoil within.
She lusts for thy soul;
Her eyes full of sin..

As the night reaches dawn,
They've seen her they say.
She lives by the pine trees
In the woods far away.

The woods have a charm..
With her chantings they resound!
A look into her eyes..
Leaves you SPELLBOUND..! ~~

Sunday, April 26, 2009

~ pReTeNcE ~

The brightness of the day has blinded you..
For so long you have cherished thy memories...
~ the days when you had basked in thy sunshine.. ~
But do you not realise, that it is dusk now..
And soon your soul shall be engulfed by the eternal darkness..
The darkness in which you have dwelled for so long..

The darkness, where you truly belong...


Yes, it is me again..
I was here, when you had left..seeking thy warmth..

And I would still be here..
to see you fall..
because I am real...I am eternal..

I am..what you have...
Not what you wanted..
Because i am not a figment of your perceptions.. ~


I CAN pretend to be...wat you want me to be..
But he will not be..quite like me ~
I am..but the darkness of the silent night..
Cold and calm..
So far...beyond your sight..~

○• ~ Rahul ~ •○

Thursday, May 1, 2008

• ~ eTeRnAl bLiSs ~ •

As he woke up that night, he knew he wasn’t dreaming…no, not this time.
After all these years of hallucinations, he knew, the moment had arrived……

~ tHe mOmEnT~

Through the years, his shady heart had been ripped off its tenderness, and his soul was exhausted, from his endless passionate quests…his quests for
~ EnLiGhTeNmEnT ~

…to achieve that perfect state of awareness…that eternal bliss…to know the purpose of his existence…~ his ultimate dEsTiNy ~…

• • •

As he looked outside the window into the dead winter night, something caught his attention…it was the moon, bigger than usual…
He could feel the enigmatic rays of the moon entering the room…getting diluted in the darkness…Now, as he closed his eyes, he sensed an unusual vibe…Soaked in the moonlight, he felt like the phoenix rising from its own ashes…* the ashes of sorrow * …* the ashes of pain *…

~ He felt so void….yet so complete …
So detached….yet so content… ~

At that instant, his thoughts froze… ○ ○

As he woke up, he found himself on the floor. He had a faint recollection of what had happened last night…”Oh no! Was I dreaming again?!” The exhilaration of “the eternal bliss” soon vanished…”Last night I could almost feel it..!” Once again, his fate had disappointed him…

• • •

As he stumbled upon his feet, he realized something….he could see himself…standing in front of him! He rubbed his eyes…just to find himself in front of…

~ the mirror ~..

He stood there and gazed…for what he saw…enraptured his soul!

"It wasn’t a dream after all! I HAVE been enlightened!”..

For years he had wandered in search of the truth…but it had never occurred to him that the ~ truth ~ was always with him….within his OwN SeLf…○ ○ ○

* ~ It is there where all the answers lie…
It is there where all problems and solutions co-exist..~

* ~ Eternal Bliss ~ lies in the eyes of the beholder…. Its just his perceptions that allow him, or rather ‘force’ him to ‘proceed’ in a particular way…
he can always choose to be blissful or to remain in agony….

* ~ Man lives more than one life at a time…there are dreams…and there are realities…and there are times when they collide…turning dreams into realities and sometimes…realities into dreams…○ ○

One CAN control his fate…if he can identify his dreams…and live it…at least try to…because the more he will try…the closer he will get to…

~ eTeRnAl bLiSs ~ ○ ○

~ Rahul

• • • •

Thursday, January 17, 2008

~ b L e e D i N g ~

As the blade rips through my flesh
I see the crimson flow
healing my wounds...that were still so fresh
dissolving all my sorrow
bLeeDiNg...lying all alone
erasing my feelings for you..
i refuse to cry..i refuse to moan
as i cease to be...tHe pErSoN yOu oNcE KnEw ○ ○

~~ sometimes pain heals more than love ~~


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

☼ h u r t ☼

When I say that I am hurt
what does it mean to you?
you've seen me like this before
its not something new

I tell you...it pains
when I dont find you near
as the thought of loosing you remains
my ever haunting fear

Do you know...i get lost
as I look into your deep brown eyes
but its not me that I see in them
I see YOU...as cold as ice

Now you know that I'm hurt
as you are right here with me
you're in my arms...crying
for the one with whom...u want to be..........

and i know.....its not me ○ ○ ○ ○


Saturday, November 24, 2007

~~ThE eViL sEa~~

In this darkness that befalls
I stand alone and see
I see the fading sanity
A lie keeps haunting me

How I miss the days when you were close
In my memories you shall always be
You shall always be my guiding star
And lead me far from this evil sea


It feels so empty ...It feels so cold
I wish i could rise..
but I keep on falling..
The lie once told....
Forever keeps crawling............
~~ Rahul